Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Diaper Box Repurposing

 Like I said before..I could feel the waves of 'Alles in Ordnung' coming my way. So here it is, and I hope its here to stay. You know you are a true crafter when you spy DIY everywhere!

 I got my inspiration from this:

Westwing Home and Living

Mine turned out to be a cost-free project :)
Diaper Box -Free
Fabric- Repurposed

          From this to this!

I simply covered the box using a fabric I have used in so many other projects too. I wanted a storage box for my 1 year old's books. After seeing the set of two boxes brain went hmmm > owl > wise > books > pillow > diaper box!
I cut the owl out from this faded pillow case. It was my brother's and I grabbed it when I was staying at my mother's place few months back! I knew I was going to need some wise owls :)

For the printer was out of ink and I don't have the luxury of a fancy silhouette machine so I just cut out a petal of a flower from a printed contact paper.


  1. What a neat idea! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. GENIUS!!!! Gosh I wish I would have seen this before potty training Emanuelle! I had so many of these boxes!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!


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