Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fitted Sheet hits the Street

I have discovered a hidden super power inside me. Wanna know what that is? I can bend the tips of my fingers without bending the rest of the two sections on the fingers! My husband can't and he feels terribly intimidated by my super powers lol  Another super power I have recently discovered is to stare at things and break them, not like David Blaine would do on the streets..but by breaking the Trash and reconstructing it into Treasure! Simple and frugal!

See this tragic fitted sheet.. I got it at a crazy low price and in my excitement to quickly snatch it before someone else does I got the wrong size. Tragedy of errors.
White, stretchy, T-shirty material..what better use than turning it into a new chic top! But wait..I can't sew a comfort zone is just a pillow case..nevertheless I went for it and used an existing top as my template. Don't ask me why I didn't take any pictures because boy I had no clue what I was upto!
This is what I ended up with..nothing with a wow-factor but surely a fun first-time attempt.

  •  For the sleeves I reused-another top that was way too small for me. I just took the cuffs with some charming crochet lace off and attached them to the new one. (All white pictures make little sense there)

  • For the neckline I got inspired by Bill Gates :

 Instead of making a bias strip I used the elasticated trim of the fitted sheet. Easy to bend..and it gave a ruffled effect for free too!

 The armhole was the hardest part and I messed it up too. I made it way too big for my size which is already L I tried to fix it by adding two darts at the didn't solve the issue but I could not figure out anything else and my mom livese 3000 Miles away!

A bit of hard work there but I'm happy that I tried. A new all-white top that can be spruced up anyway I like!

P.S. My other super power!

Partying at


  1. Way to use your superpowers for good! Turned out great. Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina


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