Friday, July 6, 2012

Ramadan: Child's Prayer Mat

Children are so good at copying things. My son has amazed us many times by reenacting our small actions or body language. He keeps on feeding them in his subconscious everyday. To see our son imitating the movements and actions of praying was the sweetest of all moments. Whenever his dad is praying he drags another praying mat and starts doing the same as he does..he mimics him in a rather funny way but it is soooo adorable to see a toddler do that.

With Ramadan just around the corner I decided to make a small prayer mat for my son.

I wanted it to be really nice and soft so I used fleece for it. I also tried doing applique but it didn't work well for me..
See the zig zag I was irregular an untidy so I had to scrape that idea and use fusible paper and adhesive spray instead.

I ironed my fabric onto the iron on paper and cut out the shapes for a Mosque. Because I could not iron the shapes onto fleece (pssssst..i didn't know that..I tried to iron it on fleece and a pink gooey thing stuck onto my iron..oops have to clean that up as well ) So to tack it on I used yarn and a big needle to secure it onto the fleece.

Like 99.9 % of my projects this one was also a 'lets make tea and start a project'. So I did not have all the materials ideally required..but worry not I can always dig something I did not have polyester or batting or anything to pad the mat so I used oven filters instead!  Cheap and handy! They look just like batting don't they?
 I stitched it along three sides. Right sides facing each other..and the oven filters sandwiched in between. Turned it over and then on the bottom side I made 2 inch long cuts. Tied them into knots to make a cute fringe.

My son's own prayer mat. May Allah make him a practicing muslim and accept all his prayers :)


  1. very cute, masya Allah!
    love this :)

  2. Hello;
    I have read your blog regarding prayer mats, As you had right wonderful article, and this is very interesting.
    Thanks for sharing such wonderful blog.


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