Monday, March 17, 2014

Ikea Hack: Fornbro Table

Are you ready kids?
Ay ay captain!

Who else has a coral crush from under the sea?



On the scale of frugality this little upgrade wins.
We got this small table free with the purchase of our coffee table from someone in a hurry to get rid of stuff.
The paint came in an offer at Aldi. Super cheap.

If I may, here's a tip on how to work/DIY with trendy colors without sabotaging your budget.
Whenever there is a color trend going on I can not resist jumping on the bandwagon. 
Instead of  changing the entire scheme of my house or wardrobe around that fad which will probably only last for a couple of months what I do is I add tiny bits. 
A cushion or a frame or any such small replaceaple item. I would never go on and paint my enire wall or buy a couch just for the sake of getting on-trend.

What Not To DO: Take crappy pictures from phone camera, rearrange furniture before the picture that now shows carpet marks.

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