Monday, February 6, 2012

Upcycled Tote

This was a quick 2 minute project. A friend was about to drop her kids at my place and I thought a little crafty 'geschenk' would be nice for my lil guest. So I had to come up with something on hand..I looked around the house for supplies..and found...

  • This orange flower in my vase.
  • If you can figure out what this orange over-locked trimming came off win! Keep guessing!!
  • The bag came from the doctor's office..full of reading materials after my son's 12 month check-up.

I used hot glue to attach the bright yellow mystery flannel on the front side. I had prepared a bias strip for some other project which never happened so I added it on the top front. Trash to treasure..and the kid left happily with her new bag :) 

P.S I used a dusting rag..usually found in a car. Had a couple of new ones laying around ;p
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  1. if you follow my blog you know I'm all about upcycled totes! This one is SO CUTE!!!!! It's so sunny it makes me want summer badddddd!!!

  2. Thanks and yes I have seen yours as well. In fact when I was doing it I subconsciously reminded my self to keep newspaper inside the bag so that I don't end up gluing the insides of the tote together. I had read it somewhere on your blog that it could happen!


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